Extraordinary paintings were found on the walls of Ellora caves. These two particular paintings were found in Cave no. 34. Jain monks resided in caves from no.30 to 34  thus called Jain caves. These were built in the era of Rashtrakuta kings who were specifically famous for their Dravidian architecture and art.

One of the painting depicts some kind of structural diagram or a mandala. Very few of such painting are remaining in the caves. Rest have faded away or destroyed. This one is on the ceiling thus out of site unless you look for it deliberately. Other one shows men in company of  Jain Tirthankaras. Clearly you can note that the men shown in the painting are not all the same. They are shown of different races and color. It is surprising to find that they were so particular in those days. Story behind the paintings is yet to be revealed.

Mandala on the roof

Manali Bonde

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I have an unique eye to see, understand beauty in things around me. I collect lot of stories in my travels around the world , not just that but also I love to tell those stories and curious things. Go through various other articles on the website, I hope you find them amusing. To know more about me click below.

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