Remember the dream in the deep corner
When memories were new to you
Hint of love was everywhere
You had that warm hug around you

Why does it go further and further?
Warmth you crave every second
Shoulder cold you get in return
Questions of no answers form in vein

Lover, you know how to hurt me
I am at the fault for my scramble
Not for a second think about you
It is me I hate for loving you

Just the pain you think about
Can’t I breathe without you
Circled I and kissed you when
Everything of me was for you

Isn’t it still? My body belongs to you
Soul is lost in deep darkness now
There is no hope to find even myself
Should I live or die? purpose is shaken

Kiss I want to the depths of your heart
But your heart was never open to me
I am just an outsider, at the door
Waiting to be let in, waiting to be let in…

Manali Bonde

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I have an unique eye to see, understand beauty in things around me. I collect lot of stories in my travels around the world , not just that but also I love to tell those stories and curious things. Go through various other articles on the website, I hope you find them amusing. To know more about me click below.

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