Digital Medusa

Acrylic and Other material on Canvas, March 2020

25.1″(W) x 18.6″(H)

Logos of Past & Future

Medusa was one of the Greek mortal Gorgons. She has a very tragic story from her being most beautiful maiden and then turning into monster. Poseidon fell in love with her and impregnated her in the temple of Athena. Enraged Athena cursed her to become a creature with snakes as hair.

Gorgons were interesting beings, creature who held power to turn people into stones. Usually they were termed not negative, their statues were placed in the front of the house for protection. In fact, Medusa name originally means GuardianMedusa was beheaded by Perseus with a help of mirror from Athena.

In our modern world there is another medusa. She started as helpful entity. Computer and IT software have made our life a lot easier and safer. Now it has developed to such extent that we can carry this digital Medusa in our hands. Yet we haven’t realized her other side. We are always so engrossed in her that we forget real world.

In the painting real USB plugs and cables are used as her snakes/hair. Her face and skin are similar color of our cell phone screen that is blue and black.  Youngster who constantly behold her are already turned into stone statues in the background.

All we need is Athena’s mirror to look at ourselves, to be real.

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